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Interlúdic is a project that explores the relationships between people through the movement of an interactive, playful and creative way from the idea of ​​play.

Idea i creation: Mireia de Querol Duran and Urša Sekirnik
Voices: Mireia de Querol Duran, Ariadna Grau and Urša Sekirnik
Suport: La Visiva, La Lleialtat Santsenca, Can Felipa, KUD NUM, Graner - centre de creació del cos i moviment, Can Gassol
Agraiments: Ariadna Grau

© Photos: Mila Ercoli and Diego Boheme

As adults we forget the importance of play and all the implications and dynamics it generates in us; it awakens our creativity and curiosity, stimulates us, sensitizes us and sharpens our perception of the environment and of others. "Interlúdic" explores all these aspects, valuing play as the basis of learning at all stages of life.

It is not a performance, and neither is it a workshop. The format proposes a space where the participants are the protagonists and will be guided through different playful dynamics that bring people of different generations together.

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